In this article, I am going to share about the importance of your non hitting hand when you are hitting your tennis forehand. The reason why I am sharing this is that I often see players who do not put full force into their forehand shots, and therefore they do not have full follow through after they hit a shot. Their non hitting hand often jerk off in some wild and weird direction or stuck at the waist and a good swing is ruined.
Do you find that your forehand is not fluid enough? Is your non hitting arm moving in an awkward manner? Read on to find out how to correct the mistake and improve your tennis forehand.
Let us start from the back swing when you are getting ready to hit the forehand shot. At this point of time, I strongly suggest that your non hitting hand hold on to the throat of your racquet and do the back swing. See Andy Murray on the right. By doing this, it ensures that both your shoulders are turned and your body is ready to load up the energy.

Separation Phase
Next, as you are ready to hit the ball, both hands will be separated. I suggest that the palm of your non hitting hand can either face the ground or face yourself. This will keep you in a balanced position. Of course, your legs must play a part in keeping yourself balance but having the palm to press downwards or face yourself gives you the additional balance.
Contact Phase
Now you are ready to contact the ball. At this point of time, your non hitting hand should move accordingly. It should not interfere your hitting motion. If your non hitting hand is your left hand, it should move towards the left side of your body at this stage and vice versa.

Follow Through Phase
At the follow through phase, I have two suggestions for you. One is to move your non hitting hand all the way such that it is tucked at the side of your body. Just like Roger Federer on the left. The palm should be facing out by now. The other suggestion is to use the hand to catch your racquet at the follow through. Using your non hitting hand to catch your racquet at the follow through on your forehand shot can be a good idea for several reasons. One is to make sure your non hitting hand does not interfere with the racquet and the other is confirming that your follow through had enough acceleration to take your racquet all the way to the other side of your body.
Some players will actually catch the racquet with their free hand while others will move the racquet through the same motion but not actually touch it. Neither is right or wrong, it is about what works for you.
My recommendation is that you get into the habit of catching your racquet at follow through. It is well worth to make it part of your habitual tennis game. As a tennis coach, I think that people who follow this method play a more focused game and are quicker at moving back into position for the next oncoming ball. The importance of your non hitting hand cannot be overlooked. I hope after discussing the tips to get your non hitting hand involved in your tennis forehand can help you keep your strokes clean and your movement fluid. Go ahead and try these tips today.
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